Maritime injury lawyer
The Jones Act is a federal law that protects seamen; not just on cargo ships and tankersbut on barges, drilling rigs, off shore platforms, work-boats, cruise ships, and any other typeof vessel. If you are injured as a result of your employer's negligence, the Jones Actentitles you to recover full compensation for your offshore injuries. The law also requiresthat maritime employers pay maintenance and cure, or medical and living expenses to offshoreworkers injured in the service of their employer's vessels. Admiralty and Maritime Law is a complex legal area governed by a variety of federal statutes. Doyle Raizner has extensive experience in maritime cases, including cases for maritimeworkers injured in US waterways and across the US Gulf coast, to international maritimeworkers injured in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, South America and throughout the world. We have handled claims for seamen injured on drilling rigs, barges, tugboats and othervessels, as well as transport helicopters. We can help you navigate through the complexissues of your claim and help you get the compensation you deserve.
Maritime injury lawyer
Reviewed by Movies New
June 18, 2017