Birth injury lawyer
Hi my name is John Yannone. I'm a birth injury attorney with Price Benowitz. Birth injuryis an injury a baby suffers during labor and delivery. This of course is not expected, and can come as quite a shock. When an injury occurs atbirth, it could be due to medical negligence. Therefore it is important to understand what went wrong, and whether it could have beenprevented. Negligence by medical professionals can occur when there is a medical emergencyand the medical professionals fail to recognize the emergency or fail to act in the face ofan emergency. It is important to contact an experienced birth injury lawyer who can protect your rights,and maximize the compensation to which you are entitled. For 25 years I've represented the victims of birth injury due to the negligence of medicalprofessionals, and fought to help overcome the initial devastation, and help put theirlives back together with the financial compensation necessary to care for their child. Our experienced on staff doctor can quickly evaluate the cause of injury and council asto the long term needs of the child. Our team of lawyers have the medical and legal knowledge necessary to fight against the insurancecompanies for the doctors and nurses. And our dedicated legal team approaches everycase with the passion to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. You need answers. You deserve answers.
Birth injury lawyer
Reviewed by Movies New
June 18, 2017